Saturday, July 28, 2012

2012 WestSide PGA Tour Open Championship

 The Westside PGA Tour Open Championship is here!! The site is Kokopelli Golf Club in Chandler, Arizona. It should be a nice day with the forecast predicted at 97 degrees. Handicaps have been updated and the cap will remain the same, after much though I decided that NOBODY should be able to win a major on this tour shooting over 105. The tour will be missing some of it's top players as they chose to take the weekend off to rest up for the final weeks on tour. 3 of the top 4 players are playing and are heavily favored to win the trophy. We have invited Berto along with us on this event because after all he has a chance to keep his trophy presentation streak alive! There is a dress code, but I know all the participants will be looking sharp out there as we do at all major events. It should be a great day of golf as everyone has a shot to win with the handicaps undoubtedly coming into play!

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