Sunday, June 3, 2012

San Marcos Results & Pics

Chris & Dylan Tie for 1st, Mike and Magoo.... Not so much.  

Berto's Wristband helped him come back from 10 down against Magoo!

Somebody hit a birdie!!!

Who Knows where that ended up!

Berto wondering what size shirt Chris is wearing! 

Look at the perfect form!

In the midst of his 124 stroke round

Best shot of Reuben's day!

This one skipped off the street!

Charlie Hopkins' Classic Putter!

Reuben looking like a stalker!
Contemplating how 70% of the tour ended up in the water....

Some of the scenery

Berto used the right club to mount his comeback! 

Berto and Magoo holding up our group

Lying to each other about how good they were shooting



Comeback King 

After a 290 yard drive

Some of the participants today. (Berto keeping the tour classy as usual!)
Chris posing for Avengers 2

The camera man got it right 
Was he trying to cut out Charlie?!

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