Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Westside PGA Tour Rules & Regulations

 Rule 1- Count all shots! Lost balls and drops included. Even count your bad shots (talking to you Magoo).

 Rule 2- Only one mulligan per 18 holes! Available for use on any shot (Tee shot, Fairway,short game, & putts). 

 Rule 3- Talking in backswings is PERMITTED as long as it's funny! If not save it for in between shots!

 Rule 4- Proper attire for the course we are playing! No halo shirts (Magoo this is for you again).

 Rule 5- Point system is based on how many show up. If 6 people play then there will be 6 points awarded for the winner, if you show up you will at least get one point. We reward attendance on tour.

 Rule 6- Be on time! We have Tee times on tour, do not miss them (this is for berto!).

Amendment 6.1 - At NO point EVER should Alexis and Magoo be in the same group! This is for the sake of all other players on tour.

 Rule 7- No phone calls about Dim Sum at crucial moments, it is disruptive to ALL players (we all know who this is directed towards).

 Rule 8- No throwing clubs. We are a professional tour, Save that stuff for the amateur tour (Carlo I'm looking at you).

Amendment 8.1 - Using clubs from other bags is PERMITTED. This is a time saver and is sometimes necessary due to lack of equipment on tour (This is the Jesse rule).

 Rule 9- Leave your shirt on. We all know it's hot but we are not playing shirts and skins. Cutoffs are acceptable.(Chris pay attention to this one).

 Rule 10- This is last, but it is the most important one. Trash Talk is a must! Be prepared to dish it and take it, the tour was founded on this and it will continue the tradition for the duration of the tour!


  1. I agree with all of the rules except for mulligans on putts!! thats a no no.. if you cant putt thats your own fault. Hell we got one guy that continues to walk in our line while we putt.. why add a mulligan to that. 2nd Someone needs to be making sure that all strokes are counted Humm I know that person who always seems to get a great score while hitting from the bunker three times in one hole( Magoo).

  2. Well you're only allowed one mulligan per round so if you choose to use it on a putt, your entire game has to be on point! That's the risk you take when you are on tour!

  3. Nice!! What's the rule on killing squirel?

  4. I may have to put an amendment in on wildlife behavior...
